
Definition: Viewed as an expert in a particular subject or field; frequently called on to give opinions to the organization; has deliberately developed expertise.

Relates to: Generate Data-Driven Insight


  1. Be an expert; offer expertise in an area that very few possess.
  2. Know one or two big things and know them in depth and detail compared to your contemporaries.
  3. Develop the ability to think about your knowledge from a variety of eclectic perspectives and be able to collaborate successfully with people who have different specializations.
  4. Learn from books and seek out blogs/experts in your specialty to follow; the average person who reads 20 minutes a day can read 35 books per year.
  5. Take what your learn in books, workshops, conferences, etc. and apply it in your work and outside of work – learn from experience. Share your learnings with peers/influencers.