Roundtable Networking | Navigating a New Reality


But join us at SHSMD Connections Bytes for more networking opportunities like this.

Join a networking event to enjoy human interactions and peer to peer knowledge sharing in a virtual environment. The Remo platform captures the feeling of attending a networking event from the convenience and safety of your laptop or computer.  We have created a number of resources to help you navigate the platform and make the most out of the networking opportunities

In Chrome, run the Audio/Video Test:

  • Pop-ups must be enabled.
  • Allow access to Microphone and Camera when prompted.
  • Once inside the platform, click the menu in the top left corner to check your audio settings.

IMPORTANT: For the best experience, be sure to access networking events in Chrome or Firefox as Internet Explorer is not supported at this time.

Prior to the event:

The first time you join an event, you will be prompted to create a profile which will become your contact card during each event.

Your profile should include:remo profile example

  • Your Name
  • Photo
  • Title and Company
  • Social media links
  • Headline letting others know what you are interested in discussing.

All attendees will have a small circle displaying their profile picture. As you move around the event, you can tell who is who based on these markers.

Floor Map

NNR Remo Floor Map