#SHSMDBytes Wrapup
Two Days of Learning, Networking and More
SHSMD Connections Bytes was held October 27-28 with sessions and networking that delivered education, inspiration and insights that will help guide organizations in this time of upheaval.
Highlights from the 2-day event:
Educational Sessions for Planning and Effective Execution
More than 550 members participated in informative concurrent sessions featuring speakers from leading health care organizations. These programs provided practical ideas and lessons learned on branding, strategy, communications, and more.
“I absolutely loved the ideas shared…I can't wait to share some of them with my patient experience and HR teams!”
“Took a few great ideas away and will be looking to implement them soon!”
Did you know? You can watch the sessions you missed or re-watch ones you want to see again until December 31.
Attendees Gathered “Face-to-Face” at Roundtables
Even in a virtual environment, attendees were still able to network at small, intimate roundtables with their cameras and mics. Just like in-person, topics included a bit of everything, from effective masking campaigns to hospital mergers to snowfall in the Midwest.
Keynotes on Consumerism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Paul Crnkovich, managing director, and Dan Clarin, CFA, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates, LLC provided a roadmap for building consumer-centric health care delivery across access, experience and price. They added the warning that if today’s hospitals and health systems don’t put the consumer at the heart of health care, new entrants will.
Juana Spears Slade, chief diversity officer and director of language services at AnMed Health in Anderson, South Carolina, opened the second day with insights on cultural competence and how health care providers can build even better and more inclusive and equitable systems of care. Check out the just-released SHSMD Podcast with Juana.
Partner Programming and Resources
Seventeen sponsors helped make SHSMD Bytes possible. In addition, solutions providers provided partner programming on consumerism, digital engagement and communications.
During the conference, attendees shared insights and pithy quotes through #SHSMDbytes social media, including:
- Value is a team sport.
- It's amazing to think about the vast amount of new content that was quickly created in response to COVID-19. All in a time of diminishing resources.
- Consumer segmentation. There is no truly “average” individual.
- Efficiency and achieving #equity #inclusion #diversity in #healthcare are not mutually exclusive.