In 2017, Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, had a fairly new leadership team and an outdated strategic plan. They realized it would be valuable to bring in an outside partner, so they asked Stratasan to guide them through the process of updating their plan. This article discusses the five-step planning process developed to address each of their goals for growth.
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Healthcare organizations have historically experienced a significant gap in strategic performance because of a disconnect between strategy formulation and execution. This article discusses the Strategic Services Group at Atrium Health and their model to drive health system success.
Community Hospital Corporation identified best practice tips to help organizations prepare CHNAs and implementation plans that align with strategic planning priorities and Internal Revenue Service requirements. Here's the strategic roadmap they developed.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." For healthcare strategists today, this quote from the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer reflects the relationship between skepticism and the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data as a means to better decision making.
For two decades, research conducted by change management thought leader John Kotter and others has shown that approximately two-thirds of large-scale change initiatives fail to meet their objectives.1 Faced with daunting odds like these, how can strategists position themselves to better lead and communicate the significant changes sweeping through the healthcare field?
As hospitals and health systems increasingly implement physician alignment strategies, physician relations teams must concentrate on ways they can bring value to their organizations in this new environment. This article explores the ways in which physician relations professionals can be more engaged in physician alignment.
As healthcare strategists, we may also long for a similar scorecard to help us turn potential opportunities into real winners. The hospital leadership at AAMC teamed up to pinpoint gaps in services as well as the missing pros—the physician specialists and other clinicians—that might help grow patient volume and meet the healthcare needs of the community they serve.