Carilion Clinic’s Approach to Community Engagement
Return to SHSMD COVID-19 Conversations Series
Carilion partnered with other local health systems to produce an hour-long special, "Coronavirus: A Community Conversation," that aired simultaneously on 5 TV affiliates and 3 radio stations and streamed online Monday, April 6. The discussion was moderated by Carilion Clinic's Karen McNew, a former local TV anchor, and included panelists from Carilion, LewisGale Regional Health System (HCA), the Salem VA Medical Center and the Virginia Department of Health. Carilion discusses how they joined forces with shared goals of flattening the pandemic curve and assuring the community that our health systems are prepared for what's to come. TV stations collected questions from viewers.
Topics discussed:
- A situational brief for the region and health systems
- What people need to do, and
- How community members can plan and help.
Featuring: Mike Dame Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Carillion Clinic
Supporting documents/resources:
- Revised Moderator Guide Script
- COVID Community Conversation Release
- Community Conversation Project Plan