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Futurescan is an annual publication for health care leaders, published by SHSMD in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) since 1999. The guide serves as an essential strategic planning tool, helping hospital and health system leaders prepare themselves and their organizations for the future.
Futurescan 2023 is the latest in a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has published annually since 1999. This highly respected annual guide will help hospital and health system leaders prepare themselves and their organizations for the future as an essential tool for strategic planning.
Futurescan is a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s (AHA’s) Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has published annually since 1999. 
The PowerPoint presentation, Futurescan 2022, features highlights from the latest edition of Futurescan, one of the industry's most respected health care trends forecasts. Ready for immediate use at your organization, you can employ this presentation tool for staff, leadership or boards.
Futurescan 2022–2027 explores key forces that are transforming the future of health care. The annual publication features the expertise and perspectives of thought leaders in the field on important topics.
The Kaufman Hall 2021 State of Consumerism report details industry performance related activities designed to enable patients to become wholly involved in their healthcare.
Futurescan 2021–2026 explores key forces that are transforming the future of health care. The annual publication features the expertise and perspectives of thought leaders in the field on important topics.
This resource is a guide to using impact analysis tools. It is designed to help planners and strategists at all levels understand how different drivers of change, such as COVID-19, social determinants of health and economic changes interact. Users will learn how to use different tools to quickly and systematically assess how different factors could shape outcomes and adjust their planning accordingly.
The PowerPoint presentation, Futurescan 2021, features highlights from the latest edition of Futurescan, one of the industry's most respected health care trends forecasts. Ready for immediate use at your organization, you can employ this presentation tool for staff, leadership or boards.
This report offers key considerations drawn from the forum of expert panelists who are effectively planning ahead to facilitate financial recovery with a strategic focus, including capital strategy, expense management, growth and investment towards a new future. 
Transformation is more than change; it is a change that reshapes entire organizations and sectors. The same forces that transformed retail, movies, books, music and the workplace are exerting their power on hospitals and health systems. Health care executives who have led successful transformation shared their stories and advice.
Dive into dozens of innovation resources, all dedicated to advancing your career in health care strategy.
SHSMD ADVANCE™ is a comprehensive learning framework that includes a series of skill building tools that will help you and your health care strategy team assess, build, and promote your strategic abilities.
This summary report provides insights into new ways to address health care strategy possibilities and innovations.
At the 2016 Thought Leader Forum held at SHSMD's annual conference, a diverse panel of health care professionals shared their insights and perspectives on change leadership.