Creating the Digital Experience Health Care Consumers Crave: Marketing Moves Center Stage

A report from the 2021 Executive Dialogue

Exec DialogueAn optimal digital strategy is no longer a “nice to have” — it is central to future positioning, especially since 50% of consumers say that a bad digital experience can ruin the entire experience with a provider. 

In conjunction with the 2021 Society for Health Care Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) Connections annual conference, marketing and strategy executives gathered in San Antonio to discuss current challenges to designing mobile/digital strategies and to define future best practices. These hospital and health system leaders explored current challenges to designing and implementing digital strategies and defined future best practices, revealing valuable insights for the future. 

Download this report for highlights on: 

  • What is required to create the optimal digital consumer experience. 
  • The importance of a good digital experience and its impact with the provider. 
  • What collaborations and partnerships are critical to the success of digital strategies. 
  • What is needed to create a more frictionless experience for patients. 

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