
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

Definition: Identify and understand another person's situation, feelings, and motives; recognize others’ concerns and needs. Relates to: Tell Stories. Create Experiences DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Expand intellectual depth as a key to creativity and adaptability; understand knowledge is a pathway to finding insights in disparate data. Relates to: Erase Boundaries of Business DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Be open to exploration, always learning; asking questions, seeking opinions, listening, and pursuing information to become more informed. Relates to: Be Nimble to Exceed the Rate of Change DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Challenge the status quo, stand up and advocate for an idea or position even in the face of uncertainty and opposition. Relates to: Be Nimble to Exceed the Rate of Change DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Grow and change continuously throughout your career. Acquire new skills, adapt with the changing environment and proactively develop new skills to advance your expertise. Relates to: Be Nimble to Exceed the Rate of Change DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Cultivate an active network of relationships inside and outside of organization; stay in touch; develop meaningful relationships. Relates to: Erase Boundaries of Business DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Accept that some conflict is healthy and productive; consider different viewpoints, especially those that differ from your own; manage conflict effectively toward positive dialog and outcomes. Relates to: Integrate and Co-Create DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Recognize that developing new concepts involves uncertainty; be able to push forward with incomplete information. Relates to: Integrate and Co-Create DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Connect to others on an emotional level; attract and motivate others to achieve. Relates to: Erase Boundaries of Business DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Have realization, perception, or knowledge of conditions or problems that exist, such as in the healthcare field, across the organization and culture. Relates to: Tell Stories. Create Experiences DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS