Business Development
"Leakage" is a buzzword today, especially for physician relations professionals and healthcare strategists as they prepare for the future of network referral management. Simply defined, leakage is what happens when primary care physicians send their patients to out-of-system providers rather than…
The emergency department (ED) is often considered to be the hospital's "front door." For this reason, healthcare strategists have historically focused their attention—and marketing dollars—on driving ED volume, which subsequently drives inpatient admissions, surgical procedures, diagnostic testing…
This summary report provides insights into new ways to address health care strategy possibilities and innovations.
This session will explore MUSC's experience and extrapolate key lessons for organizations with increasing responsibilities for ambulatory care.
Kaiser Permanente's Southern California regio
Learn the difference between leakage and keepage and what strategies are needed to get results.
Participants will gain an appreciation for bringing focus on a specific problem or question amidst complexity, setting priorities, channeling data collection and analysis to the specific question, and developing clear answers or recommendations.
This report provides an overview of the 2015 Thought Leader Forum, which focused on: examples of creative affiliations, criteria for selecting the right partner, challenges and limitations of non-merger arrangements, and communicating affiliation initiatives to stakeholders.