Leadership Development

This presentation will provide an overview of the challenges the current healthcare environment places on traditional planning processes, the imperative for change, a new approach to planning based on best practices from across the country, and a guide to applying this new approach to planning in…
Applicable to all levels of personnel, this competency model can be used not only to guide development conversations, but also to put an accountable structure and focus around your development plans.
Definition: A generalist-specialist hybrid; broad, “horizontal” knowledge across multiple disciplines and deep “vertical” expertise in at least one subject area. Relates to: Integrate and Co-Create DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Anticipate and respond to potential consequences of internal and external events, trends, or patterns; avoid unintended consequences. Relates to: Be Nimble to Exceed the Rate of Change DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS
Definition: Build a mathematical model designed to represent a simplified version of the performance of a business, project, or another investment. Example: Assess the business impact of various scenarios within the overall strategic plan.Relates to: Generate Data-Driven InsightSKILL DEVELOPMENT…
Definition: Bring together data from single or multiple disparate data sets into an overall conclusion and judgment, often around complex problems. Example: Connect consumer spending data with patient volumes to inform planning. Relates to: Generate Data-Driven Insight
Definition: Understand the principles of statistics, analytics, computer science, and predictive modeling to analyze and address complex problems and issues. Example: Direct the analysis of future outcomes using predictive modeling. Relates to: Generate Data-Driven Insight
Definition: Understand principles of human behavior; observe and analyze behavior to understand and influence decision making. Example: Use nudge-type interventions for better outcomes. Relates to: Tell Stories. Create Experiences
Definition: Use inference to look within and beyond the numbers to detect underlying patterns and trends. Example: Estimate future population health needs based on demographic and other data trends. Relates to: Generate Data-Driven Insight