Population/Community Health
How can marketing and public relations practitioners help their organizations make a measurable difference in population health? At Onslow Memorial Hospital (OMH) in North Carolina, Amy Cain-Sousa, senior vice president of public relations/marketing, has found that creating an online community…
This presentation will discuss how this framework can guide health system responses to the opioid epidemic, highlight insights from patterns in county-level geographic variation, and identify tactics health systems can deploy to improve performance.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has developed a Comprehensive Opioid Response with the 12 steps as a solution to treating people with opioid addiction, which engages and activates community resources, providers, physicians, families, and the patient for optimal outcomes. Learn how they engaged…
A panel of experts from around the country will share their experiences and best practices in operationalizing population for their health care systems. Attendees will also receive a model for population health planning—a practical guide that can be implemented immediately in any type of…
Chicago (April 5, 2018) — Population health is requiring health care marketers to use their skills in new ways that encourage individuals to make positive lifestyle changes.
Susan Dubuque covers the highlights of her new publication “Gearing Up for Population Health: Marketing for Change,” and offers effective strategies to help us transition to population health and improve the health status of those we serve.
Join us on this webinar, and invite your team, as Susan Dubuque covers the highlights of her new publication “Gearing Up for Population Health: Marketing for Change,” and offers effective strategies to help us transition to population health and improve the health status of those we serve.
This new SHSMD guide provides innovative and practical information and tools to help you design a population health plan that is consistent with your organization’s mission and strategic goals.
As the health care field increasingly focuses on population health, hospital and health system marketers need to learn how to use their promotional skills in new ways to help their organizations achieve the objectives of this model of care. This article discusses the population health initiative of…
What could have easily turned into a public relations nightmare for a hospital in Massachusetts instead became the rallying cry for action. Read more about how one hospital addressed the opioid epidemic in their community.