Futurescan Header 2020

Futurescan: Health Care Trends and Implications Publication

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Hospitals and health systems are leading exciting initiatives to encourage healthy behaviors and improve the health of individuals and communit
The PowerPoint presentation, Futurescan 2020, features highlights from the latest edition of Futurescan, one of the industry's most respected health…
Keeping you at the forefront today for the best patient-friendly solution building tomorrow, SHSMD has developed a resource digest on the hot trend…
Transformation is more than change; it is a change that reshapes entire organizations and sectors. The same forces that transformed retail, movies,…
Futurescan 2020–2025 explores key forces that are transforming the future of health care. The annual publication features the expertise and…
Panelists discuss the need to harness the benefits of systemness, balance the interplay between centralized and local decision making, create a…