Behavioral Research

Definition: Understand principles of human behavior; observe and analyze behavior to understand and influence decision making. Example: Use nudge-type interventions for better outcomes.

Relates to: Tell Stories. Create Experiences



Market Strategy
Using the Voice of the Customer to Inform Marketing Efforts
What Marketing Research Can Learn from Behavioral Economics


Observing the User Experience, Second Edition: A Practioner's Guide to User Research, 2nd Edition

Gearing Up for Population Health: Marketing for Change


Market Research and Consumer Behavior


Tools to support this skill may include:

Ethnography: Ethnography: Step-by-Step (Applied Social Research Methods)
Field Guides: Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector's Field Guide
Patient Intercepts: New Emphasis on Customer Service in Medicine
Patient Intercepts: The Patient Experience Toolbox: Providing Healthcare Leaders with Valuable Patient Experience Highlights

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