Futurescan 2023: Health Care Trends and Implications

Futurescan 2023 is the latest in a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has published annually since 1999. This highly respected annual guide will help hospital and health system leaders prepare themselves and their organizations for the future as an essential tool for strategic planning.

Futurescan 2023 Mobile

In Futurescan 2023, a panel of eight thought leaders provide their insights on key trends affecting health care organizations on the following topics:

  • Workforce trends
  • Competitive environment
  • Cybersecurity
  • Consumer trends
  • Health equity
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Capacity planning
  • Culture of trust

The expert perspectives featured in this latest edition of Futurescan on the transformation of health care are supported by data from a survey of hospital and health system leaders from across the country.

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Ian 2023
On-Demand Webinar and Toolkit

Keeping you at the forefront of health care transformation and rebuilding means looking around the curve to what’s ahead. In Futurescan 2023, experts in the field explore key trends that will transform health care over the next five years. 


Watch the webinar hosted by renowned futurist Ian Morrison, Ph.D., who presents the latest edition of SHSMD's annual guide. 

Watch On-Demand Webinar


Ready for immediate use at your organization, you can employ this presentation tool for staff, leadership or boards.

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