Presentation Resource
American Hospital Association presentation resources and slide decks for members and the health care field.
Cardiology Associates is a private Cardiology group in the
Brookwood Baptist Health’s patients bear the burden of rising
As economic reform and regulatory forces accelerate physician group practice formation, health systems must bring diverse personalities and priorities together. Imagine groups that combine academic and community-based physicians, span facilities large and small (sometimes across state lines), and…
Are you launching or re-launching a physician relations pr
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos attributes his company’s success to
After a diagnosis of breast cancer, individuals are faced with several life-changing decisions about how to navigate treatment decisions, which are best made by an engaged and well-informed patient. Using proprietary software designed to collect patient inputs via a mobile device and marry those…
A successful approach to board engagement included a series of learning and listening sessions over several months, allowing board members to gain a basic understanding or choose to deep dive into key topics. These sessions, in lieu of a more traditional board retreat, provided a review of the…
Hear about the beautiful, symbiotic relationship when population health management teams with marketing to uncover the true benefit of their programs. Learn how marketers must be able to leverage their CRM data and reporting to provide true business intelligence for their service line and…
Today, hip and knee replacement represents nearly half of all inpatient orthopedic service line volumes nationally. Over the next several years, Sg2 predicts aggressive outpatient procedural shifts that leave traditional inpatient providers feeling financially vulnerable and strategically stalled.…
The Surgeon General's report called addiction "a bigger health problem than cancer." This is a call to arms for every hospital in the nation. The heroin epidemic is decimating whole generations. The crisis is bringing clinical, financial, operational and messaging challenges to health systems…