Presentation Resource
American Hospital Association presentation resources and slide decks for members and the health care field.
This session will provide an inside view of the Penn Medicine marketing laboratory. We'll explore case studies and highlight key findings that demonstrate the benefit of taking a scientific approach to marketing.
This session will focus on detailing a framework for integrating post-acute providers into the hospital strategic planning process and understanding common challenges influencing all participants.
This session will discuss how FastCare partners with health systems and retailers to create affordable and convenient patient access to healthcare.
This session will show how some simple shifts in thinking can have a positive impact on behavior change through a combination of behavioral science theory and creative real-world examples.
The presentation will draw on the insights gained through the US government's support of health IT implementation since the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 was enacted.
This session describes how hospital systems may create a successful recruitment program based on their values and ideal characteristics.
In this session you will learn how progressive strategy teams are restructuring, reprioritizing, and reskilling to take on new roles and responsibilities, and how you can position your team to drive change, rather than be driven by it.
This session will demonstrate how onboarding is more than a nice thing to do, it is critical to not only ensure the practice minimizes financial subsidies, turnover rates, and recruitment costs, but also to fulfill the organization's strategic objectives.
Learn how CHRISTUS Health is evolving its program to the next level through driving action, producing results, and being nimble, as well as how CHRISTUS is involving senior leaders and executives in order to progress the program and create better alignment, engagement, and activation.
12 campaigns over 90 days. 3,000+ conversions. 500+ appointment requests. $17 million in gross charges. $4 million in net revenue. This is just a sample of the greater ROI groundwork that Orlando Health has assembled. Now they want to share their bigger story.