A Tale of Three Cities: A Panel Discussion from Three Rural Hospitals


Participate in a panel discussion with marketing professionals from three rural hospitals to understand why you don’t need the extensive resources of the big urban hospitals to create successful marketing campaigns. All three hospitals faced competition from and outmigration to larger systems within driving distance. Listen to the three case studies of each hospital, presented by the marketing professionals whose clear knowledge of their community, matched with innovative ideas, led to strong marketing ROIs. They will discuss lessons learned including: Bigger isn’t always better; Me Too Never works; Content is King; Be Brave; The Value of Research; Always Measure results.

  • Jennifer Connell, Director of Digital Services and Social Media Strategy, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
  • Shelly McLean, Vice President of Operations, Coffee Regional Medical Center
  • Lindsay Dossey, Executive Director of Marketing, Community Outreach, and Physician Recruitment, Cullman Regional Medical Center
  • Bill Swanston, Executive Creative Director, Frederick Swanston

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