Population/Community Health

The PowerPoint presentation features highlights from the latest edition of Futurescan. Ready for immediate use at your organization, you can employ this presentation tool for staff, leadership or boards!
Futurescan is an annual publication for health care leaders, published by SHSMD in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) since 1999. The guide serves as an essential strategic planning tool, helping hospital and health system leaders prepare themselves and their…
Futurescan is a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s (AHA’s) Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has published annually since 1999. 
Hospitals and health systems are leading exciting initiatives to encourage healthy behaviors and improve the health of individuals and communities. Health behaviors are individual choices that are affected by socio-economic factors and the physical environment. Investing in promoting positive…
Learn how hospitals and health systems are partnering with other organizations to advance population health in their communities, to validate your thoughts and approaches and get new ideas from peers.
How can health care organizations proactively help the public to better understand their personal and family risk for cancer and encourage them to seek genetic testing? In 2015, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology—a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing genomic technology and sciences—…
Several years ago, Saint Francis Healthcare system launched its first "Pink Up" campaign, which was designed to increase breast cancer awareness, promote early detection, and offer free mammograms to those in need. In 2016 the health system ramped up its fundraising and outreach efforts to turn the…