Strategic Planning
Join renowned futurist Ian Morrison, Ph.D. on February 5, 2020 for a webinar on the latest edition of SHSMD's annual guide to trends in the field as he summarizes Futurescan articles written by thought leaders on key topics.
In today's competitive health care market, it can be difficult to implement and socialize a reputation management and transparency initiative across an entire enterprise health care organization.
This guide to successful employer partnerships describes several case studies and lessons learned. Examples include on-site clinics, an accountable care organization and virtual health care.
Identify important trends and create the visions of possible futures to lead your organization to action with this scenario planning guide.
The PowerPoint presentation, Futurescan 2019, features highlights from the latest edition of Futurescan, one of the industry's most respected health care trends forecasts. Ready for immediate use at your organization, you can employ this presentation tool for staff, leadership or boards.
The national membership organization for those responsible for marketing, communications and strategy in all types of hospitals and health systems.
Chicago (February 7, 2019) — The Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) today released Futurescan 2019-2024: Health Care Trends and Implications, a highly respected report developed jointly with the American College of Healthcare…
SHSMD provides a leading source of online educational programming in the areas of health care marketing, strategic planning, communications and PR.
In 2017, Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, had a fairly new leadership team and an outdated strategic plan. They realized it would be valuable to bring in an outside partner, so they asked Stratasan to guide them through the process of updating their plan. This article discusses the…
Healthcare organizations have historically experienced a significant gap in strategic performance because of a disconnect between strategy formulation and execution. This article discusses the Strategic Services Group at Atrium Health and their model to drive health system success.