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SHSMD Virtual Seminar: Leveraging AI in Health Care Marketing and Communications

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Magazine & Journal Articles
When a crisis occurs in your community, how should your hospital or health system's public relations/communications team respond? Whether an incident…
Presentation Resource
This session will explore one institution's journey toward proving the impact consumer marketing can have on driving patient visits and ROI without…
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Kathy Wilets and Libby Mitchell from University of Utah Health Care will discuss how Twitter and Facebook can be your best friends in times of crisis…
Presentation Resource
In this session, you will learn how North Memorial Health Care and Carrot Health combined medical records and consumer data to develop a novel,…
Presentation Resource
This session will include a discussion on physician and hospital ratings, transparency, managing location data, and capitalizing on "near me"moments…
Presentation Resource
This panel will provide insights on what makes for compelling engagement content, strategies for capturing and creating that content, tactics for…