Unlocking the Value of Health Care Advertising

Spectrum Executive Dialogue

2023 Executive Dialogue Report

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As patients grow more selective about their health care, advertising leaders are constantly adapting to measure the effectiveness of their outreach efforts. They are leveraging insights from other sectors to refine their strategies as they navigate the nuances of patient engagement to the complexities of brand and service line marketing. With the integration of digital tools, their challenges have become more complex. As a result, health care advertising is at a crossroads, with marketing leaders balancing traditional methods with newer, data-driven tools.

In conjunction with the SHSMD Connections 2023 conference, marketing and strategy executives gathered in Chicago to discuss the need for continual change, how to consistently capture useful data, and their commitment to patient-centric approaches.

This report discusses:

  • Access to care
  • Digital vs. traditional advertising
  • Creating a personalized approach
  • Modern data challenges
  • The impact of digital marketing


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