
This session will include a discussion on physician and hospital ratings, transparency, managing location data, and capitalizing on "near me"moments to better engage patients.
This session will explore one institution's journey toward proving the impact consumer marketing can have on driving patient visits and ROI without CRM software.
Woman Up began as a marketing campaign designed to increase screening mammograms in northeast Ohio and to strengthen the perceptions of UH Seidman Cancer Center. Secondary data was used to develop the campaign theme and tactical elements. An extensive multi-channel campaign was launched in…
Learn how one academic medical center adopted a process for capital allocation to apply analytics, shared decision making, and transparency to marketing strategy and system-wide decision making.
In this session, you will learn how North Memorial Health Care and Carrot Health combined medical records and consumer data to develop a novel, highly targeted approach to consumer outreach for a new urgency center facility in Minneapolis.
This session will help participants build a case for change in their organizations, and provide guidance to help them reach their ultimate destination. Presenters will also share lessons learned: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Back by popular demand, "The Naked CEO" gives healthcare marketers a chance to grill a panel of hospital and health system executives about expectations, assumptions, and coming changes.
Many hospital marketers want to engage physicians in marketing campaigns. This usually involves physicians sitting for interviews, posing for photos, and signing off on tag lines. But this level of engagement is only a start.